Our marketing team at Mack Weldon was tasked with analyzing data from our revamped loyalty program, Swell Rewards, to understand the program's impact and identify potential areas for improvement. Swell Rewards is an e-commerce retention marketing platform that provides a solution to capture and alert customer interactions with the mackweldon.com page. As part of the integration of the Swell platform with our systems, the marketing team could find high-level data metrics to understand the program’s benefit, but they could not pinpoint where we could drive customer interaction. Our goal was to increase the utilization of reward points and customer enrollment. By alerting customers to their current rewards and future reward opportunities, allowing us to bring customers closer to the brand.
We noticed several characteristics or perks available to customers such as account creation, birthday input, friend referrals, product reviews, and Instagram follow. Although these perks were optional to any customer, we wanted to remind those that have not taken advantage to continue earning points with our brand. Another opportunity to increase customer retention and points use was advising them of expiring redemption codes.
To address these challenges, we integrated the Swell loyalty program web hook connection to their Stitch environment, which transferred relevant data to Snowflake. We extracted relevant columns from the raw data using the API and transformed it into a usable format for analysis. We utilized dbt to create downstream models, incorporating basic logic discussed with the growth marketing manager.
We focused on addressing immediate pain points such as expiring customer redemption codes and missing perks as identified during discussions. To enhance email marketing campaigns, we planned to push results to third-party tools like Klaviyo. We developed a LookML model to facilitate data exploration and capture additional data points including customer spend and retention.